MCNAA Membership


The Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness, Inc. is a non-profit, charitable organization. It was established to serve the cultural, social, and spiritual needs of the Native Americans and to educate the general public to the cultural and traditional ways of the Native American.

Become a member!
If you or any of your friends or relatives would like to join, please fill out the form below. Feel free to copy the application for their use.

Benefits of becoming a member include:
  • Receiving discounted admission to MCNAA pow-wows throughout the year.
  • Receiving discounts on MCNAA's T-shirts, and sweatshirts.
  • Receiving the quarterly Newsletter.
  • Receiving annual listing of pow-wows.
  • Receiving recognition in printed materials.
  • Receiving lecture and workshop flyers.
  • By becoming a member, you are also making a contribution to the center.

(Please detatch and return entire portion below.)

Membership Application Yes, I'd like to become a member of the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness, Inc. I understand the membership I have checked below entitles me to the benefits for a period of (12) months.

____Elk $12.00 ____Hawk $250.00
____Wolf $25.00 ____Turtle $500.00
____Buffalo $50.00 ____Eagle $1,000.00
____Bear $100.00 I have enclosed $_________
Date of Birth:_______________
Home phone:__________________
Work phone:__________________
State:_____ Zip:_____________

Please make checks payable to:
Mass Center for Native American Awareness, Inc. and Mail to:
P.O. Box 5885, Boston, MA 02114-5885
Email address:
For office use only:
Membership#__________ Expires_________ Date rec'd_________
CA$_________ CK#_________ New_________ Renewal_________
Processed by_________