Wild Wind Creations, Copyright 1997

About Wild Wind Creations

Wild Wind Creations represents either Native American artists or those artists who have deemed the art of this culture an important and significant part of this nation's history to be reproduced or preserved so that the culture
will not die.

We provide free services for Native American artists to include, a state of the art website, an art studio, and assigned space in our mail-order catalog.  We offer professional services to people who otherwise would not be able to afford it.  100% of the sale of art goes directly to the artists and their families.

Wild Wind Creations raises funds year-round to cover the cost of services.  We attend and participate in pow wows and museum sponsored events.  These events allow us to raise the needed funds to promote the artists and their work.

We also sponsor events to raise money for Native American artisans.  We invite organizations to utilize an opportunity to fund-raise for the good of the community.  This collaboration facilitates cultural awareness and appreciation.
Thank you.
Bonnie J. Pulver

Wild Wind Creations

Click here to view catalog Copyright 1997

Send email to: info@wldwind.com

© March, 1998 Bonnie J. Pulver, All Rights Reserved