ARTISTS Wild Wind Creations represents either Native American artists or those artists who have deemed the art of this culture an important and significant part of this nation's history to be reproduced or preserved so that the culture will not die. |
DEE KO Cherokee Contemporary Art |
Dennis Eagle Horse Lakota Sioux |
JULIA MARDEN Aquinnah Traditional Arts |
GRACE BROOKS Miq Maq Beadwork |
RUTH JOHNSON Penobscot Baskets |
RAMONA PETERS Wampanoag Pottery |
TERRY BRIGHTNOSE Ojibway Birch Bark |
VICKY SANIPASS Miq Maq Baskets |
SISTERS Lenape (Delaware) Trading Post |
KELLY LOOKINGHORSE Lakota Dream Catchers |
Bear Claw Abenaki Dolls |
Elizabeth Perry Aquinnah Weaving Coming Soon! |
Theresa Geyer Turtle Mountain Chippewa Jewelry Coming Soon! |
David Sanipass Miq Maq Flutes |
Ron Perry Hawaiian Flutes |
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